Play Fridge Plans

For Christmas we were looking at a refrigerator to go with our kids’ play stove/microwave/sink combo. We looked around a bit and kept finding that they were way more expensive than they needed to be and would still take some work to get them to match the set we have.

So my wife started looking around and came across, which had plans for a pretty simple play fridge. The one she had was a little bit too small and didn’t quite match what we have already, but seeing the plans made me realize how easy it was to put together a simple set of plans that did match what we have.

So I drew up some plans, which are available from the link below. The fridge turned out great. It matches the existing set in size, color, and style. The kids love it. The total cost was around $50 but would have been even less had I not gone to a home store for all my lumber.

Here are some pics (click for full sized image):

You can download the step by step plans here:
Play Fridge Plans

If you found these plans useful, please consider making a small donation. The ad revenue for this site doesn’t quite cover rent.

About the author

Jason McDonald

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