A Riddle

Last night we were preparing for my daughter’s third birthday party and decided to go grab fast food. After leaving the drive through I put a french fry in my mouth only to find that the outside was cool but the inside was very hot. My daughter asked for one and I said they are too hot, so hot they are burning Daddy’s mouth. Here response was simple enough: “Blow on it.” So I posed the following question:

“How do you blow on something that is in your mouth?”

Before you continue reading take a moment to think about this.

If you are like me the first thing that came to mind is the reverse blow. You know this. It’s where you all of a sudden find yourself with something too hot in your mouth and frantically suck in air to try to cool the food down. But this isn’t right.

The answer is simple: take it out of your mouth.

I posed this question to her then immediately recognized the riddle like nature of it and started thinking about the answer. My three year old told me the correct answer before I arrived at it on my own. Perhaps it is a testament to the complexity of our adult minds but the natural tendency for most of us is to start at the complex and work back to the simple. Conversely, the child brain seems to naturally start with the simple and work towards the complex. We shouldn’t do this – we should start with the simple and work towards the complex.

This concept can be applied time and time again in the software industry. I can’t count the number of systems that I have seen that have been over designed and/or over engineered. Many times these systems would have worked just was well, if not better, with a simple solution. However, the simple option was either never noticed or was ignored.

The Keep It Simple (KIS – alternatively KISS for Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle should always apply – the design and engineering should be as simple as possible while still meeting the needs of the system.

Strike me down

No sooner had I finished writing yesterday’s post than did my Windows OS decide to punish me for the slander against its progenitor. I closed the window for my browser and my taskbar immediately exploded. It appears to have created a window and task bar item for every process and driver running. Nice.

Click for larger view

I am sooooo wanting to switch to Mac/Linux.

Being sub-par

I finally got sick of it. Microsoft does some things well but is increasingly finding that the substitutes do it way better. If I wasn’t tied to MS project for my job I’d be on a Mac right now (I may still but need to evaluate some cross over products).

Case in point: Hotmail.

I quit using hotmail about a year ago now, mainly because I got sick of constantly weeding through spam. I still use MSN messenger to keep in touch with certain people so I am able to easily keep tabs on the growing size of my inbox. I am proud to announce that it topped 1,000 emails yesterday, 95% of which are sure to be spam.


On the flip side, I have been using Gmail for the past year or so and can remember only having to report 3-4 items as spam.


As you can see, Gmail still gets a lot of spam – the difference is that it goes to my spam folder, not my inbox. Once again Microsoft has missed the boat.