My Bookshelf

I get asked from time to time what I read. Here is what my current bookshelf looks like.

I recently finished these:
Confronting Reality: Doing What Matters to Get Things Right
The Life of Pi
In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions…When It Counts
I Am Legend

I am currently reading these:
The Peopleware Papers: Notes on the Human Side of Software
Principle-centered Leadership
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

I have these lying in wait:
Java Concurrency in Practice
The Algorithm Design Manual
A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics
The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World

I plan on buying these but want to finish what I have first:
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
The Toyota Way
Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering (Agile Software Development)
Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams


Fairy wings: $12

Bib: $3.95

Chocolate cake: $7.50

Getting to eat chocolate cake in your new fairy wings: priceless.


Happy Birthday! You're dying.

Not really, but I felt like I was. Last Sunday was my birthday and what did I get for it? Pneumonia.

So four and a half days later and I still feel about like I have a bad cold but am no longer completely out of commission. I’ve heard that emphysema is a lot like having really bad pneumonia only it never goes away. If I were still a smoker this would be enough to make me quit.

To all my friends and family (and anyone else who will listen): if you still smoke, quit. If you don’t believe how miserable it is go catch yourself pneumonia, let it grow for a bit, then you will get a feel for what your life will be like, day in and day out, should you eventually develop emphysema.